Postkarte (Reprofotografie): 'The First Kindergarten in the USA. Watertown, Wisconsin', ohne Datum, Notiz auf der Rückseite: 'Postcard showing Carl Schurz, Margarethe Meyer Schurz and model of first kindergarten in U.S. at Watertown, Wisconsin. There is some question as to whether it was set up by Margarethe Meyer Schurz. She was very much interested in kindergarten teaching, studied and practiced Froebel's system in London 1851-52. USIS:IU:Photos, American Embassy, 532 Bad Godesberg', dazu maschinell geschriebene Notiz: 'Postcard showing Carl Schurz and Margarethe Meyer Schurz and model of first kindergarten in U.S. at Watertown, Wisconsin. It was situated on the ground besides their house. It was his own house and he lived in it from 1855-1865'. Signatur im Carl Schurz Archiv: CSK_2390.